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Your Membership makes a difference

Your membership fees go towards running the class and ensuring that we host a range of events both in the UK and Abroad.

As well as supporting the operation of the UK Class association we pay a small levy to the International class association.

The class association membership is run entirely by volunteers but it costs us to support the platforms we use to keep you informed. 

We aim to provide training, advice and a good racing program supported by a good social program

As a class we are also focussed on the next generation and consider the SB20 as a great stepping stone for aspiring youth to migrate from dinghies to keelboats. We may from time to time invest in projects to support youth and female participation in the class. 


The international class association mandate that any boat participating in a major UK event must have a fully paid up member aboard the boat. It is also a condition of boat charter that a member be aboard. 




Membership Categories 

Full - £125 per year. Runs January to December

Youth - £25 per year (Any person under the age of 25 years at time of joining)

Associate - £40 suitable if only plan to sail in a single event in the year. Only one associate membership can be signed for in a year. 

School/Club group membership - POA. Suitable where a school or club has multiple boats and not all boats will particpate in events.


Membership Enquiries

Please either email or complete the membership sign up form below. 


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